About Thoughts Before Student Teaching Beauty School 101

Monday, January 27, 2014

Beauty School Week Two: Color, Color, Color

I think it's safe to say that this past week had been the busiest, most intense 5 days I've had so far.

Of course, I really need to wrap my head around the fact that everything is about to become even more fast-paced than it already is. 

Oh, Color Week...

I learned so much in such small amount of time, and in a very fun and cool way. If I'm honest, I'd say that out of all the subjects studied at Paul Mitchell, hair color was probably the one I was dreading the most. Why? I suppose I just had this feeling that it would be difficult, but I don't feel that way anymore. Studying how hair dye actually goes to work on the hair, and learning about the different types of color that we offer at Paul Mitchell was a lot to take in, for sure.

But dying hair? Placing foils?

So. Much. Fun.

What I love about doing foil application is the precision that it takes for it to be perfect. Getting the angles right in order for the color to go where it will undoubtably look the best is actually more difficult than it sounds, but if the placement is correct, then the finished look is so pretty!

It boggles the mind that I'll be doing that with real hair dye and on a real person in the near future. Probably my sister--she promised to be my guinea pig for all things hair for the next 365 days.

I can't wait! 

Tidbits from week two...

Most stressful moment: This is also my most ding-batty moment of the week. Friday morning, I accidentally locked my books, my binder, my purse, my phone, my main car key, and my spare car key in my car. Luckily I have a spare spare key, and my sister was able to find it and come to my rescue. 

Books I’m reading: My nose has been stuck in my giant Milady Standard Cosmetology textbook, but I've also been reading every Phryne Fisher mystery story I can get my hands on. In addition to styling hair and buying makeup, I have always loved lady detective mysteries. Phryne Fisher is like a grown up Nancy Drew, except with much more dynamic and lovable characters. Check one out at your library and get in on it!

Playlist of the week: My most prominent learning style is that of the musical variety, so I've been listening to Pandora and Spotify non-stop. Click below to hear some of my favorites from the week!

Beauty School Week Two by Catherine Jones on Grooveshark


photo credit: classic_film via photopin cc

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